Quickie with the Hubby

I remember seeing this crazy combination on Melissa’s blog, and I finally got around to trying it today! Yes folks that’s orange slices and PB! WOW, I loved this snack! I can’t believe it took me so long to try it!!! This one is going down in the books!


I had 15 minutes to grab lunch before the talent show this evening. Hubby was in town so we met up quickly and had a quickie “Date Night” at Quiznos.


I never eat here so I wasn’t sure what to get, I decided on the veggie sandwich with lettuce,tomato,grilled mushrooms,onions, avocado, and honey mustard. It was actually quite tasty, I had a little of their BBQ sauce on the side for dipping. Hubby wanted a drink so we got the combo and I got some Garden Salsa Sun Chips, I had these in DC they are yummers( not exactly clean though)!


Hubby tried one of their new sandwiches the Toasty Torpedoes, isn’t it funny looking?!


After the quick dinner I ran over to our school for the end of the year Talent Show! The kids did great, I was sooooo proud. Almost shed a tear once or twice, man I am going to be a wreck when I see my own kids on stage one day!


I wanted to share a picture with you all that my Hubby sent me last week! Hubby found this in our garden in the backyard. What the heck is this creature?!! I can’t believe it was back there, freaks me out a bit. I am deathly afraid of snakes and this is pretty darn close!!! Are there any Discovery Channel junkies reptile professionals out there that know what this is????

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I AM DEAD tired!!! I worked 12 hours today and am running on empty, I plan on sleeping in tomorrow and doing some Yoga for Runners! I also have some great pictures of our garden that I can not wait to show you all!!

Good night lovelies, see you in the morning!!!

Check out Angela’s Shop 4 a Cause — it’s tomorrow and all proceeds go to the Canada Cancer Society


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