Salmon Sounds Good

Tonight I decided to get a friend to work AKB for me tonight, because my voice still isn’t 100% back! It’s been about a month since I lost it, and I don’t want to risk losing it AGAIN!

It was nice coming straight home and getting straight to business. I did level 3 of Jillian’s Shred DVD, and then after Yoga for Runner’s from

The Hubby and I made dinner together tonight. He made his vinegar chicken and I made my Smoked Salmon from Costco that I found in the freezer!

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I topped it on some red beans, and brown rice. I also had a small spinach, almond, and strawberry salad topped with non-fat poppy seed dressing.

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With a small piece of the whole wheat bread we made today!

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I was still a little hungry a little later so I had 1/2 of a  TJ’s Strawberry Greek Yogurt and some Bobbi’s Granola Greatness!



Look what finally came in the MAIL!!! My free sample of Dunkin Donuts, coffee I can’t wait to have this in the morning!


I leave you with the CUTEST dog in the WORLD!!! Boscers:)


Night Peeps!


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