Saturday Night In SF + A Special Breakfast


Saturday night we made our way on the Bart to South Beach SF. A lot of friends told me to visit their version of “Little Italy”. Hub’s and I are huge Italian food people so it sounded right up our alley 🙂


We decided on a place called Mona Lisa. The wait was short and the modern environment was very appealing! When we sat down they served us cold and rock hard bread 🙁


I ordered a glass of wine and it was so so. I told the waiter I didn’t like their house red and he brought me a glass of the Pinot, much better!


I ordered their Pasta Primadora with Spinach. It was very good, I loved the marinara sauce!


Hubby had the Chicken Parm, it was also a big hit!


Here is a fun video of our dinner, the lighting was a bit harsh. I would totally recommend Mona Lisa’s if you are ever in the North Beach of San Fran, a great Italian spot.

After dinner we had some FroYo at a local self serve. I had a combination of dark chocolate and vanilla with all the goodies 🙂 This place was not as good as the one’s at home!


Hubby and I got back on the Bart around 11pm and called it a night. I know I know we are so exciting 😉


Sunday morning I went upstairs to enjoy a lovely breakfast at our B&B 🙂







Loved that they had real coffee cups from all over the world 🙂


They had a lot of great choices. I was glad to see a lot of my favorites 🙂




My choices.



After our wonderful breakfast I looked up the closest yoga studio and went for a bit of a stroll. My GPS said it was only 2 miles away, but what I didn’t see is that it was 2 miles straight UP HILL!!! Needless to say I had a killer warm up 🙂 I visited the Yoga Garden of San Francisco. The people were super friendly and I really liked their Vinyasa 1 and 2 class. I think I am way more of a vinyasa type girl than a Bikram girl 🙂


After my run back home, Hubby and I met up with my Cousins and we quickly took off to explore the CITY!!!!

A full post on our day in SF to come soon.

Timed to get on the road. We are driving all the way back today which is about 7-8 hours. I am going to enjoy my last day of vacation in the car with a good book 🙂

à tout à l’heure (translation bye bye).