I am so excited about the new Fresh & Easy opening at the end of this month in my hometown! All I have to say is that it’s about time we got some kind of health food store in our neighborhood. With my new found passion for health food it cam just in time!
It has been a thought provoking kind of weekend. My hubby and I have been discussing future plans, and when we start to do that my mind starts to spin in circles. I absolutely love my job, but is it where I want to be in 5 years? I don’t think so. I think that I have a lot more to offer, and I think that I would like to be doing something in the health and wellness industry. Well there goes that History degree I worked my tale off for. I mean don’t get me wrong I adore history, and I loved learning all about it, but it’s more of a hobby then something I think I want to use in a profession. You see I got a history degree for two reasons, because I loved the subject, it came easy to me, and lastly I wanted to be a high school cross-country coach( most of my coaches were history teachers too).
As I ponder ideas, I think I know no matter what I am going to have to go back to school. Which excites me for sure, but with my schedule right now working 10am-6pm,I am not sure how that’s possible unless I take online school. That does not sound so fun. I love school, I love going to class and learning with others, hello that’s why I am a teacher!
I guess what really drives me to start thinking seriously about all this, is that I am not getting any younger, and we don’t have any children right now, so now is the best time to get started. Just the thought of me going back to school gets me excited!!! Especially sense I will be studying something I have a great passion for. There are so many details to be figured out, but I ll pray and start doing some serious research.
What are some careers you would choose if you had a second chance?
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