Special Delivery!

Guess what showed up on my doorstep today? A package from Larabar!

New flavors:

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly
  • Tropical Fruit Tart
  • German Chocolate Cake

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Thanks friends at Larabar!

Tonight dinner was incredibly simple yet delicious! My inspiration came from Amanda and Meghanns grilled veggie sammies!

I marinated my Zucchini and Yellow Squash just like Meghann did in Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil and then threw them on my mini George Foreman.

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Then I slathered two pieces of wheat berry bread with light Laughing Cow Cheese.  Then I had a brilliant idea and topped the sammie off with fresh marinara sauce!

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On the side I enjoyed a few CorazonasHeart Healthy Chips, these have the perfect amount of crisp and salt!

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Today I planned to go to the gym after work, but my tummy wasn’t feeling so hot (glad I got in a 5 mile run this morning). Instead I got to make a yummy dinner and sit and just relax on the couch, I need to do this more!!!

Well Hubby and I have a Dive In Movie to attend to, I see dessert in my future 🙂 We are supposed to bring a movie munchie, any good movie snack ideas????

P.S. Last chance to enter my anniversary giveaway!!! There is only 52 entries you have a good chance


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