I am not going to lie, yesterday was BY FAR the hardest day of the CS Challenge!! What’s the 4th of July without a beer, burger, and dessert in hand?! Well it’s actually still pretty amazing and I did survive 😉
Yesterday I started the day off with a Green Smoothie after an amazing 6 mile run!
We beat the heat and crushed it!
I did have to work, but I took a half day and spent the afternoon at the pool with my co-workers!
We walked over to the market and grabbed a couple of snacks for our day. I grabbed some fruit, hummus, and veggies to keep me from making poor choices. I also got a TRENTI iced unsweetened passion tea from Starbucks to keep cool with by the pool.
Here is a look of some of my eats from the day. Salad for lunch, berries and tea for snack, Buddah Bowl with fresh guac for dinner, and some hemp milk and Love Grown Granola for dessert.
Check out all the TEMPTATION!!!
I made sure to socialize a lot to keep me AWAY from the food and drinks. I knew if I lingered to long I would have been so tempted to eat the chips and salsa.
We watched the fireworks from the University and then headed home!!! I MADE IT OUT FREE FROM TEMPTATION!!! Â I am not gonna lie friends, it was tough! But my body loved me for it.
Today I started off the day with another delicious Green Smoothie in my trenti cup I saved from Starbucks. I so need to find a reusable cup this big?!
I was super busy at work so I didn’t eat lunch till almost 1pm and I enjoyed another sexy salad and a big handful of almonds. Around 4pm I busted out my INSTANT ENERGY AKA Green Juice. (still can’t believe I haven’t had coffee in 5 days).
After work before my workout I had some PRE-WORKOUT fuel, a brown rice cake, almond butter, and a little Xagave.Â
Amy and I ran a 1.5 miles and then did day 3 of Making the Cut. KICKED OUR BUTTS!
Dinner was a little bit of everything in the fridge.
Buddha Bowl:Â
Buddha Bowls are basically veggie scrap bowls with grain, seasoning and avocado. They’re an awesome way to use up all your RAW green pals before they go bad. Plop ANY combo of veggies (finally chopped – this is key) AND avocado on top of an alkaline grain. Yum!
Tonight I am doing some major catching up on my DVR, because Hubby is working late. I honestly can’t remember the last time I sat on the couch, it’s been too long!!
Stay tuned tomorrow friends for a little VLOG and a GIVEAWAY!!!
What are some of your questions about my Crazy Sexy Challenge so far? I would love to answer them on my video post tomorrow
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