Evening friends, sorry about the mishap on the blog this morning!!! I was going a little crazy and I am praying that nothing happens.

It’s been a little crazy in the McCormick household. Since I have been back from CO, I have been cleaning,working,blogging,running,coaching,and eating! I feel like the past two days have FLOWN by and I haven’t had a chance to stop and breathe. I know the time is coming!

Right after work today I finally got my hair cut, it’s been almost been 10 months since my last one!!! It’s not that much shorter, just a lot healthier and I love it! Sorry the pics aren’t the best, I was kind of in a hurry.

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After the lovely haircut Hubby and I hung out with some of his “cool” marketing buddies and had some yummy sushi!

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Between Carly, Jen and I we split four delicious rolls of amazingness!!

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Don’t ask me what was in them, I just ate them and got a food baby :).I need to try and make sushi at home, I keep dying to try Melissa’s recipe.

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Oh and I drank some Miso Soup. 

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Hubby just did what he does best….. played…

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and played..

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Don’t worry he didn’t eat with those, or did he?!!!

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We enjoyed each others lovely company and then I had to jet home so I could finally relax one night this week!!!

Tonight I am working on my new schedule as a Wife/Blogger/Kickboxing Instructor/Small Business Owner/Forest Home Employee/Cross Country Coach/Athletic Director/Wedding Coordinator/Friend/Sunday School Teacher/Boot camp leader…wow life is moving so fast!!! I know I will feel better once I sit down and write everything down :).

Are you a planner? How do you organize life, or do you?


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