Taco Salad Done Right

Evening friends 🙂 !

Tonight’s kick boxing class was a lot better then last weeks! There was a lot more energy and way better music. My teaching buddy Michael let me barrow one of his new CD’s it was awesome! On the way home I created the best Taco Salad Dinner in my head.

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I took three mini 100% corn tortillas and baked them for 6 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees to create some home-made tortilla chips.

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I threw on some black beans, butternut squash, tomato, corn, romaine, cilantro, and a drizzle of lime. 

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On top of all the veggie goodness I put some of my avocado dressing I made for lunch and sprinkled on some goat cheese.

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This was sooo good wasn’t missing a thing! I even have leftovers for tomorrows lunch.

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Tonight Hubby and I are playing around with my new WordPress Site, that’s right I am changing over..finally! It’s been such a long process but now that we found someone that specializes in converting blogs over the WordPress things are a lot easier..thanks DREAM HOST!  Hopefully we will have it up by the end of the week.

What a great weekend, Friday Free Night, Hot Yoga, Pumpkin Pancakes, Costco Run, Clean House, Pumpkin Patch, kick boxing, and some wonderful quality time with the Hubbs!

* There was a comment left earlier that someone saw my article in the new ALL YOU magazine!! I haven’t seen it out yet, I can’t wait.

A little jealous of all the beautiful ladies; Kath, Jenna, Caitlin, Tina, and Gena headed to the POM festival this week, in CA, man I wish I was going!!!

Here’s wishing you all a wonderful nights rest to start off your week right!

Sweet Dreams!


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