Take Me Out to the Ball Game..

Happy Hump Day 🙂 !! This is where I was last night….


Sorry about no post last night, I had a very late night. We didn’t get home from the baseball game until after midnight!!! The game was a lot of fun, it was 80’s night so they played a lot of movies and music that brought back some great childhood memories. Like; Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Family Vacation, and much more!


We stopped by Subway to grab dinner to take in( we manage to get it free because their ATM machine was broken!) . I got a foot long chicken and veggie sandwich, I saved half for lunch today 🙂 I would have rather had a Dodger Dog and a Beer, but my stomach was glad that I didn’t.


My adorable date!


Our healthy snack of choice, we were tempted over and over by SWEETS but resisted!!!  Say two of no sweets was a success!!!


Ok, you know you are in the O.C. when there is water fall in center field!!! 


After a bed time of 12:30am, I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it out for a run this morning. Some how I DID! I woke up at 5:15 and took off with my running group for a wonderful 5 mile run! We actually ran pretty fast and my body felt amazing!!! I am so glad I ran, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to run in the HEAT tonight.

Tonight Hubby and I are staying in, I have a lot of things to get caught up on before I leave for Colorado next week!

Off to make a Green Monster 2 GO!

See you tonight for one AMAZING DINNER!

Question: What’s your favorites 80’s movie???


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