Good morning!

Last night I got in a full 8 hours of sleep, YIPEE!! It felt great. I am not sure why I have been sleeping so well, but I am loving it.


I decided a GM was much needed after my weekend of indulgences.


In the Vita Mix: 1 c almond milk, ice, 1/4 c frozen blueberries, 3 c spinach, 1 tbsp flax seed, 1 scoop Vanilla Almond protein


Taper Traps!!

I was reading an article in Runners World, about how a runner can really mess up their training plan by making some simple mistakes when they are beginning to taper. I thought I would share some tips I learned.

Trap: Craving Carbs

Basically eating too many carbs and not getting in enough protein. You should consume a few more carbs then normal. For example instead of having chicken with rice, have rice with your chicken.

“Clark recommends taking in 55 to 65 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 15 percent from protein, and 20 to 30 percent from fat. Ensure the proteins are low in fat, such as chicken, fish, lean meats, beans, and legumes.”

Trap: The Impulse to Cram

Trying to cram in miles three weeks before the big race!!

Instead of getting stressed out about a couple runs you have missed, look back at the runs you have completed and admire all the hard work you have put in.

Trap: Phantom Pains

All of a sudden you feel a pain in your foot, your knee, or your IT band. Is it really there?

Think of each phantom pain as a signal that the body is healing itself and preparing you for the marathon. Send you have a little bit more time because your runs are not as long make sure to get in some GOOD stretching. You could even get a massage or sit in a whirl pool.

more to come!!

Question: What are some “Traps” you have experienced during your taper time?


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