Thanksgiving Challenge…

Yes on top of the B&C POTM Challenge I am taking on another!

Remember how last year I took on Kath’s Thanksgiving Challenge?

Well the wonderful EMILY of Eatventures is hosting it again this year! A month of minimal groceries. Head over to her site to join in here.

The “challenge” is to limit our food budget to $100 for the month of November.  Here are the rules that Hubby and I are following –

  1. Track our food purchases for 1 month, spending no more than $100
  2. Non-food grocery items (toilet paper, shampoo, etc) do not count
  3. Starting with whatever we happen to have in the fridge/pantry
  4. We are not factoring in free items either.

With the Holiday’s right around the corner, Hubby and I can save every last penny for gifts. I also love a good challenge 😉 I saw that Meghann made a Google Doc, I thought that was a great idea so I created one too. You can check it out here!


When I got home today I was spoiled by the Hubby! I love random and fun gifts 🙂

A new Oatmeal bowl, perfect for the season!!! Oh how I miss my coffee.

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Hubby also picked my up my favorite organic tortilla chips! These only have three ingredients, sea salt, corn, and sunflower oil…

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….and he picked some cherry tomatoes from our garden, love these. They are so much sweeter then normal tomatoes, and perfect in everything!

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What a sweet heart, thanks Hubby for the gifts!

Well friends I am off to teach kickboxing tonight! After class I will probably have my Monday Morning bowl of Cereal for dinner 🙂

I leave you with a picture of the best DOG in the WORLD!!!!! Say good night Bosco…

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