The Perfect Start

Every Monday I used to do yoga during Tina’s 31 day’ yoga challenge. Ever since then I have been a slacker!! Well not anymore, last night I set my mind on doing at least 10 minutes of Yoga this morning, even though I went to bed late and I did it!! I did Polly’s 10 minute yoga for runners, and I feel great 🙂

I also have been missing my bowl of oats, so I decided to make a bowl this morning, because it is a little cooler today.

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Inside: Oats, soymilk, blueberries, 1/2 banana, flaxseed, honey, Bobbi’s Granola Greatness, and some PB!!

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This week I have decided to designate as NO SWEETS WEEK. From vacations to the new job I have been eating more sweets the I have had in awhile. So just for this week I am going to cut back and then bring them back next week in a healthy way. Anyone want to join me??


We have a winner folks, I used to pick the lucky winner of my Anniversary Giveaway!! Congrats to #47!! Please send me your full name and addy so I can send you your Forest Home canteen.

Hubby’s random fact: “ 7-11 sells 10,000 pots of coffee an hour, every hour, every day”.



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