This week is going so slow….I thought it was Thursday, but I was wrong. So I shall celebrate HUMP DAY! It’s all UP hill from here 😉


One Green Monster to-go!


With a packet of biPro Whey Protein. I got these awhile back in my swag back for a race. I am hoping this extra boost of protein will keep me full longer.



I was checking out the top 10 new years resolutions and look what I found:

1. Lose Weight and Get in Better Physical Shape (everyday)

2. Stick to a Budget (On the list)

3. Debt Reduction (Debt free, minus our house)

4. Enjoy More Quality Time with Family & Friends (adding to my list)

5. Find My Soul Mate (Done and Done)

6. Quit Smoking (Never started)

7. Find a Better Job ( love my job!)

8. Learn Something New (on the list, playing the guitar)

9. Volunteer and Help Others (great one!)

10. Get Organized (added)

As I have already set my simple 5 goals for the year. I thought I would add just two more. I love goal #4 and goal #10!!!! I do spend a lot of time with family, but I feel like I could spend more “quality” time with the extended family. I have already made plans to have dinner with my cousin 🙂

The second one I am adding is #10. Yes, I am a bit of an organize freak, but who couldn’t get MORE organized….Resolve this year to plan your days (I do this) , reduce interruptions, clean off your desk (done), say "No", and make detailed lists (love my lists). The benefits of getting more organized include being able to save time, as you no longer look for the same things over and over again or need to replace things you can’t find at all.

The benefits to getting organize….. 

“reduce stress because when you know where everything is, there’s no last-minute rush to find what you need and get out the door . You will also find yourself being much more productive, as all the time you once spent looking for things can now be used to do more important or more enjoyable tasks. Most people define being organized as quickly and easily able to find what you need. While this is certainly true, organization is so much more. The ability to staying organized lets you focus on accomplishing your most important goals. That’s the true benefit of being organized.”

Question: Are any of these top 10 goals on your resolution list?


One response to “Top 10”

  1. Big Brand Success on You Tube.