How’s your weekend going so far? Mine has started out terrific! 5 mile run and a the best smoothie I have ever made (2 carrots, 2 oranges, almonds, 1/2 frozen banana, frozen blueberries and Fage).

So I have some more talking straight to do with you all 🙂

I have decided to take the next week off from blogging. I really want to do some major construction on the template as well as the content. I love telling you all about how my day is everyday, but I think that that phase of my blogging is coming to an end.

Instead of posting my everyday stuff, I want to begin posting more about my recipes, workout tips, date nights, videos, and other random things of course.

Like always I want this to be a place where readers can gain motivation on balanced living. You have all been so  kind to share your amazing stories with me and I want to be better 🙂

I have been rushing through my posts and not really putting a lot of effort into what I really want to post about. I believe in quality over quantity.

This is an exciting time for NHS. I know that this change is going to be for the best.

I only hope to not lose any of you while I make this wonderful transition 😉 You are all like my BFF’s!!

So I will be back next Sunday..GET EXCITED!!!!


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