Monday ended up being more productive them planned. I got my office organized, and all my recipes put in a binder now I just need to put them by category. I taught AKB last night so I did get a work out in, and my friend Christina came so it was a lot of fun. We also chatted after class, she’s another one of those great friends, I guess I am blessed with some pretty amazing friendships.
All I had before I left was a Cinnamon Roll LARABAR, so when I got home at 9:30pm I was starved, I had yet another plate of leftovers.
I like using these small plates there perfect for portion control.
I was totally bummed this morning because I was supposed to go run with some girls and my alarm never went off or I was so tired that I turned it OFF! I hate when that happens. I am actually going in to work today for just a little bit to clean and organize a little. There are so many things that get shoved in places and mixed around that a teacher never has time to deal with during school hours.
Yesterday I wrote about feeding your souls with goals, and I was supposed to write about making a difference in our world. Please be patient with me as I get used to this whole blog organization thing. So today I will write about making a difference in our world.
I have been thinking about how I can volunteer this year. I know that there are so many organizations out there that are in our backyards, and need our help. You can volunteer at your local Boys and Girls club for an afternoon, coach a team at GOTR, or visit a retirement home and play games with the seniors. There are also many afterschool programs that would love to have people come and help the kids with there homework, or even run a soccer game. Personally I would love to help coach a t-ball team, or little league with the hubby. I think this would give us both a chance to serve our community and build our relationship. Serving the community with a friend is a great way to get out there and make a difference!
Summer 2006 Working with kids in Benton Harbor, through YouthWorks.
How are you going to make a difference in your community in the New Year?
Well I am going to try and work out a little this morning, maybe I ll just run around here a nice 3 mile loop, and then tonight I will be doing an hour kettle bell class and then AKB. I am trying to rack up those points for the HBBC I have 10 more DAYS!!!!
On the agenda:
- run three miles
- work 10-4pm
- 5-6:30AKB
- 6:30-7:30 kettle bells
- 7:30 Fun Dinner
- Bath+Read
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