Weekend Retreat + NO Shoes!

You never know how much you truly need to “retreat” until you do. This weekends Women’s Retreat was so perfect for people like me. A time out for women who need it. The weather was perfect, the food was amazing and the company was even better.

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Friday night we had some of the best Tilapia I think I have ever tasted.


As if dinner wasn’t amazing enough they topped it off with an Italian Ice Cream Sorbet that Sandra and I split.


This was the perfect way to start off our weekend :). Oh but there’s more, as we hung out on Friday we were given lot’s of CHOCOLATE!!!


I split one of these warm home-made chocolate chips with Sandra and then we called it a night. Our boot-camp from that morning had warn us both out.

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to go down the hill to run 6 miles with my x-country kiddos. It was a great run, and as soon as we were finished we jetted back up the hill to get back to our retreat.

Oh and let me show you the UNLIMITED COFFEE machine we had access to all weekend.

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Saturday Sandra and I also gave up Vanity for our 30 day fast. This meant no looking in the mirror.

13 billion dollars is spent by Americans on cosmetic surgery every year

How much time do we spend staring at ourselves in front of the mirror, whether in dissatisfaction or admiration, compared to the time spent looking at God and His world? The beauty of creation is all around us, from sunsets and trees, to pets and people, so instead of being distracted with our own reflections, may we desire to reflect the wonder of our Creator God. Discover the liberation that the world’s poor unknowingly experience by having little concern for outward appearances, and choose not to look in the mirror today.

What could we do with the money we might save if we spent less on our “outward beauty which fades?”

By far this was my hardest one. Not because I wanted to look at a mirror every 5 seconds but because they were EVERYWHERE we went. I am not going to lie I sliped up a couple times while I was in the bathroom, but all day I was constantly reminded about what TRUE BEAUTY is.

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That afternoon we had a 2 hour session of being SILENT. I took a little nap and then sat and wrote in my journal.

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After our time of silence, we headed over to the Craft Cabin to take on some projects.

Picture 123 I made a cute little block FALL decoration.

Picture 124 I miss being crafty, I am so glad that I am getting back into it. After our craft time we headed over to lunch.

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There was a HUGE salad bar.

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So I made a HUGE salad.

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and had some Broccoli and Cheese Soup.

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The rest of the afternoon was spent completely relaxing and reading.

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By the time we knew it, it was dinner time!

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I normally would turn beef down, especially in a sauce like this but I had one bite and was in love :).

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This beef was stuffed with veggies and spinach and topped with the most amazing dressing. Not to mention served with the best sweet potatoes I have ever eaten!

Dessert to me wasn’t that exciting. It was a custard, and I am just not that big of a fan of custard.

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But the President of my work was!

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He stopped by to say hello to all of the guest and of course enjoyed a dessert or two ;).

Later that evening we stopped by the “pampering” room to have some late night scones and tea.

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They made home made scones and had several topping options.

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I went with the raspberry jam, ooooo my goodness I think I died and went to heaven!

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I also had a cup of Chamomile Tea.

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After our “Tea” time, Sandra and I got into our jammies and then went and got our massages at 10:30pm. This is the latest I have ever had a massage, but this is the way to go!

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After our AMAZING massages we headed back to our cabin and slept like babies! What a wonderful weekend of pampering and resting our souls, I am so blessed to work at a place that I get to enjoy these wonderful retreats!

Yesterday when I got home, Hubby and I had to rush straight to the airport to pick up some friends. When we got back I was ready to go to bed early so I could make sure I got this MONDAY started on the right track.

This morning when I woke up I felt so rested. I made a bowl of Pumpkin Oats to start my week of the right way!

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Today I am fasting from shoes!

“That bread which you keep belongs to the hungry… those shoes which are rotting in your possession, to the shoeless; that gold which you have hidden in the ground to the needy.” ~Augustine

Most children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Whether at play, doing chores, or simply getting around, these children are unknowingly at risk. Walking is often the primary mode of transportation in developing countries, and just wearing shoes enables people to fetch water or medical help from distances that aren’t possible barefoot. A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted parasites, which penetrate the skin through open sores; however, wearing shoes can eliminate this risk. Many times children can’t attend school with bare feet, which means they don’t receive an education…all because they don’t have shoes (adapted from tom’s shoes). In their honor, today is Go Barefoot Day.

If you counted all the shoes you own and averaged the cost of each, how much of an investment have you made on your feet?

Do you think you could go without shoes for the day??

Have a HAPPY MONDAY friends!


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