Weekend Wrap Up+ Baking Fun

Well this weekend ended up being quite relaxing despite having sinus issues. Saturday I was feeling the worst and told hubby we had to get out of the house!!!  I quickly looked online for a new place to hit up dinner. Well if you know anything about the IE(inland empire) you know we are overpopulated with CHAIN restaurants. I wanted something small and quaint, or lively and enchanting. We had to get of this city.

We drove out to downtown Claremont, about an hour away and a true college town. We can’t believe we have never been there before! There was so many neat little boutiques and a variety of ethnic foods! We saw a health food store, and you just know I HAD to go in!


The Ecoterra was my kind of place. You could order fresh salads, and wonderful all veggies and fruit juices. I even saw a Green Goddess on the menu!


I finally found some Wheat BERRIES!!! I have been looking everywhere:) They were only $2. I am so excited to try them in my oatmeal and salads this week.


We walked the whole downtown, and then chose to eat at La Parolaccia, which means the “Bad Language”. It was anything but bad.



We started with some warm sourdough bread slices with a tasty sundried tomato spread. Why don’t all Italian restaurants have this?! I also enjoyed a glass of Syrah. Heck it’s Italian how could I resist!

photo7 My Dish: Risotto isola d’’Elba Italian Arborio rice with grilled chicken, scallops, asparagus, cherry tomato,little garlic, white wine and fresh parsley. I asked for goat cheese instead of parmesan. oooo too die for!!!! I love Risotto, I can’t believe I have never ordered it before. I could have eaten the whole thing, but I saw a local FroYo place near by so I saved some room 🙂

Look at Hubby’s HUGE Calzone!!


Just like I thought we stopped to get some FroYo before heading out. The place was called 21 Flavors! It was like a Cold Stone, but with frozen yogurt.

photo5  photo4

Yes there were that many choices to be added in!  It was sooo hard to choose!

I went with the Snicker doodle yogurt, and added some Heath bar peices in. Truly Sinful! At least it was a small.



Went to bed at 9:30pm and woke up at 8am!!! YES! I was feeling a little better, still had the sore throat and all. Was determined to still go on my long run after Church. Well it started raining so I decided to try and do my long run at the gym. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!

First off check out my Sunday Waffles! Peaches, Blueberries, and Bananas. I topped it off with a dollop of Tj’s Greek Yogurt and some Agave Nectar!!! HEAVEN!

Ok back to the gym. I started off ok, trying to stay optimistic, but not even 15 minutes into my run I started to feel all the congestion and crap come up and knew this was a bad idea. I ended up only running 4 miles and then calling it quits. I was so mad, but knew that I shouldn’t have even tried to RUN! This is the second long run I have missed in a ROW! I still have almost 2 months until the marathon I hope this is OK?!

Edited to add: After my lousy run I sat in the sauna for 20 minutes! It felt amazing didn’t even know my gym had one of these!

When I got home I kept busy all day! I cleaned the whole house, and managed to make quite a tasty dinner.photo20

I had torn out a recipe from my Cooking Light Magazine last week and have been dying to make it.


A mixture of sated tofu,lots of veggies, pad Thai noodles, and romaine lettuce.  The perfect way to finish the weekend.


I then decided to make hubbys co-workers some of Angela’s Healthy Baked Banana Donuts for him to take to work tomorrow. I have been dying to try this recipe. I am not a baker but these seemed easy enough.

photo26 Bosco watching me bake!

photo22Look at these beauties!!! I only had one banana but they still turned out amazing! Dunkin Donuts eat your heart out! Oh and I added a little powdered sugar to to the top. photo21

WOW that was a long post, I am currently drinking my chamomile tea and planning out my week. I love Mondays, it’s a FRESH new start! I need that:) What are you looking forward to this week???? Night Night.


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