What a Delay are You KIDDING me?!

Could this day BE anymore complicated?!(Chandler Bing would say).Our flight this morning was at 6am which meant we had to be at the airport at 5am, which meant we had to leave our house at 4:30am, which of course meant I had to wake up at 3:45am, did you follow that? Here comes the best part our plane was DELAYED 2 hours, and we are probably going to miss our flight in Houston which means we will be flying standby to Boston and if we don’t get on a flight tonight we will be stuck in Houston until 7am tomorrow morning!

Hubby Being his HOT self😉 He just loves the airport!


Ok enough of all the crazy plane drama, I need to talk about something more uplifting. I want to thank you all for the well wishes for Boston as well as all of the wonderful songs to put on my Ipod:) When I got home last night I was surprised by a dear friend with a running mix CD on my door step, thanks Veronica! 

Last night Hubby and I also went out to a local spot, The Gourmet Pizza Shop. I am not sure why we have never gone to this place, we can ride our bikes down there! Side NOTE: Did you guys know that the Month of May is “Ride Your Bike to Work Month?”  I think this might be my new challenge!!!


Ok back to the Pizza. There is something about enjoying pizza and a beer after a long week at work. I enjoyed 1/2 a glass of the local Orange Wheat Beer, and a BBQ Chicken Gouda Pizza minus the Gouda. 55


This pizza was the perfect size and instead of Gouda cheese I asked for Feta instead. This pizza joint has the most interesting toppings anything from taco meat, peanut butter, mashed potatoes, pasta, you name it! Hubby got a the Mini Pearl. It had mashed potatoes, fried chicken, country gravy, and cheddar cheese. Sorry no pic, there was poor lighting,

26We are currently on the plane to Houston and I am enjoying Marley and Me and a bowl of complimentary Honey Nut Chex Cereal(did I mention I have already had THREE bars this morning). Look at all the bars I bought for our trip!!!!



Well by the time you hear from me next I should be in Boston and probably pretty tired. Is it sad that I already miss Bosco?! It must be this movie!

Edited to add: We made out flight in Houston we are now just waiting to board they said it was going to be at 3:30, then 4pm, and now 4:45pm! I am going to go catch up on your lovely blogs now!


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