Wild Relay Race, We Need One More Runner!

San Diego Update…

looks like I might be running SDRR after all!!! Thanks to you wonderful bloggers Ashley has raised $85.94, half way there! I am so going to be running this race for all of you amazing readers!

Also if anyone in the San Diego area is interested in meeting up on Friday, May 29th for dinner please let me know! Meghann and I are thinking it would be fun to try out a place in Little Italy for a little carb loading and chit chatting. Just send me an e-mail to marie.bobbi@gmail.com.


As some of you may or not know, Kristen and I have been putting together a relay team for the Wild West Relay in CO. The race is not until August but there are a lot of details to be worked out. We are still working on some sponsorships, and we still need ONE MORE RUNNER!!! If you are interested at all shoot me an email ASAP.

The Wonderful Team so far…

Melissa S. Trying to Heal 
Amanda B. Run to Finish
Alesha S.
Ryan M.
Steven D.
Abbie H. Foods that Fit
Kristen B. Chase Runner
Jen J.

So we just need one more committed runner!!! If you are interested in the Wild West Relay, send me an email at marie.bobbi@gmail.com so I can send you ALL the information, NON BLOGGERS can do it too!!!!

Today has been a pretty mellow day here for me, I was just tired from the weekend and think I might have have had a bit of heat exhaustion from barely dinking any water yesterday while sitting at the pool ALL DAY, bad Bobbi bad, I know!

I did manage to have a lot of fun with my Mom yesterday, here is a picture of  the Mama’s and Daughters.


I had one or two beers while laying at the pool, and then I forgot to drink water because we played in the pool for 5 HOURS!!!! My little brother is soooo tall,  when did this happen!

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My Mamma and I chillaxin in her new Chase Lounger I got her for Mothers Day:) 


My Irish Hubby being his handsome self, and enjoying the view!


I didn’t get any pics of food because I was just too busy having fun in the sun, then I got home and felt AWFUL!!! I haven’t played in the sun like that in a long time, I have to remember to hydrate hydrate hydrate!!!

My contribution to the potluck, Eating Bender’s Cream Cheese Cookie Bars, and Ashley’s Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies, they were both a big hit! These ladies know their cookies!

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I have been drinking like a camel today, and should be 100% by tomorrow!

How was your start to the week?!


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