Yes We Ditched, and Hubby Yelled A lot!

After work I did a lovely 5 mile run, 8:30 average pace and in some beautiful weather too!!! I ran in some of the wonderful Danskin active wear that was sent to me by the lovely Nicole, THANK YOU girl! I tried to take some pictures in action after my run, I know your loving the Zebra phone case:)




I loved this outfit, there are few times that I actually match when I go for a run so I actually felt pretty cute:) I felt sexy and comfortable all in ONE! I love my running skirts, this skirt had a wide waistband(which I love) with a built-in drawstring, a lightweight spandex material, and a great pair of compression shorts underneath. The shorts didn’t ride up on the run, which is one thing I always worry about. I l also loved this cute blue stylish tank top with built in compression bra to match. Danskin I am IMPRESSED! I can’t wait to try some more fun things you sent me to review!

What is your favorite running skirt? What makes that skirt your favorite? Do you feel cute and sexy in your workout gear?

Well tonight we kind of ditched Thursday night group(sorry friends), but Hubby’s Alumni, Memphis, was playing in the sweet 16 tonight and he really wanted to watch the game. I decided to swing by TJ’s and pick up a game day dinner! I got some extra lean burgers, whole wheat Quinoa bread, and two different type of fries, sweet potato, and garlic parmesan.


There is 5 grams of protein in each slice!!!

While cooking I relaxed with a glass of 2 Buck Chuck and a piece of light cheddar cheese, why is cheese and red wine so GOOD?!


My Plate: 2 pieces of Quinoa Bread one lean burger with some Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce.


Some TJ’s sweet potato fries,very good I highly recommend, and some yummy veggies brought to me from The Jolly Green Giant(this was a random buy last week at the store). A great BUY!



His Meal: Basically the same, he got one extra burger with a little light cheese, and some of TJ’s garlic parmesan fries.


We ate these lovely meals in front of the TV watching the ball game, actually we are watching the game right now and Hubby is about to throw something at the TV!!! I hope they win, I would like to keep our house intact! He is a little passionate about his sports!!

Look at Bosco eyeing Hubby’s FOOD!!!


Tomorrow I will be waking up at 6am no matter what!!! I want to do level 3 of Jillian’s 30 Day Shred and a New Yoga session with yogadownload, the 31 Yoga Challenge is nearly over and I have been slacking! My MBBC points are racking up though so that’s a positive. I am so glad it’s Friday because then it’s SPRING BREAK! I plan on doing a lot of  Spring Cleaning, and Scrapbooking on break maybe even a little trip to the beach🙂 OH NO HE JUST THREW A PILLOW AT THE TV!!! I am crossing my fingers for MEMPHIS to win!

Night Folks!


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