You Want Something. Go Get It. Period.

This past weekend I felt like I was on vacation! Loved going out to eat with family and friends, plus enjoying every minute of the beautiful sunshine. I didn’t think about work once! After all the eating out and good times, I am ready to get back to the grind.


Best way to start the week of is with a GM!


I added almonds and coconut to the normal mix, but I couldn’t taste them at all. I need to buy some coconut milk, it makes me feel like I am in the tropics 🙂




I thought I would show you all a clip from one of my favorite movies on this motivation Monday!

Time to get my bootie to work!

Question: Do you have any movies that really motivate you?

P.S. Last chance to enter my Taste of the Nations Wine and Food Festival Give-Away! There are not too many entries so everyone really has a great chance!


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