19 Mile Run/Slick 26 Race Report

This morning my alarm went off at 3:15am and some how I jumped right out of bed, how is this possible when I can barely wake up at 6:00am during the week?! I think it’s knowing that I am going running and NOT going into work(I do love my job). I am just one of those CRAZY RUNNERS. I ate a homemade piece of ww bread with Naturally More PB and had a half a cup of coffee to get the tummy body moving. At 4am I drove over to a running buddies house to meet up so we could go down to the starting line.

The Running Group that I have been a part of for the past month, put on their OWN local marathon they called it The Slick 26. They had mile markers, aid stations, bib numbers, t-shirts and even METALS that some of their kids made! Colleen, was the organizer of it all(she also used to be my 7th grade History teacher) she is such an inspiration! We all met up at Panera Bread and were shuttled up to the starting point, which was about 3000ft up in elevation. There are some great pictures of us at the starting line, in the FREEZING COLD, and DARK I will have to put those up soon.


The first 5 miles were mostly down hill, which made it quick and easy. I chatted with Rick(another running buddy) who is seasoned in his running years and has much wisdom to share. He has run over 50 marathons, and is retired now so he does Marathon’s in his FREE TIME. He has done Boston along with a lot of the other runners, so he gave me some great tips! He shared with me that Heart Break Hill is nothing, compared to all the hills we run in our town. That made me feel great, but I am still going into the race with the mind set that it’s going to be a challenge,that way I am prepared!

At mile 6 I took a Hammer Gel, because my tummy was rumbling and then at mile 8 I needed a potty break. I loved that we had cars following us to keep us motivated and hydrated. I carried my trusty water bottle with me the whole time with Heed, and only added some water in it at mile 14. I knew I wasn’t doing the whole marathon, but I still got to enjoy the whole experience.

Some of you have asked what Water Bottle I carry, well here it is! I love it! You just have to get used to carrying something in your hand, it doesn’t bother my shoulders at all.


The last 4 miles were hilly, but my hips and legs were not as HEAVY as usual so they weren’t that bad. I got new running shoes, so that might have helped but I think I am going to return them. I had another guy push me to run harder and faster(I just wanted to keep up with him) and he got me to the finish. DONT YOU LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS?! At mile 19, Colleen had a ton of fuel for everyone, including Diet Coke and Sunkist, two things that I steered away from..lol…I just stuck with some oranges and water.

Colleen getting her Diet Coke on!




Part of the Group: I am sporting my running skirt with capris.


I got a metal even though I didn’t run the whole thing.


When I got finished they still had 7 more miles to go, so I drove home and showered and met them from breakfast at Panera Bread.


I enjoyed a egg,cheese and tomato sammy and a cup of coffee of course. I am still hungry I needed my PROTEIN SHAKE!


What a great morning, the perfect way to start a Saturday. I am currently blogging away at the Library and plan on getting some blogger things done here, and writing a meal plan for someone very special in my life. Then off to the grocery store! I hope I can take a nap before the GALA tonight!!!

How is your Saturday morning going, did you get a workout in?!



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