20 Minute Tuesday

Happy TMT!!!

Man this weekend was crazy folks. The Hub’s and I traveled to our other camp (for all new readers i am a retreat coordinator at a camp) and worked all weekend, but did get to enjoy Santa Barbara and a little downtown Pasadena.

Ojai is our home away from home. I love that it is so close to the beach!!!


One of our favorite thing to do when we travel is finding the healthiest yet most delish joints to eat at. We did that in Santa Barbra, and last night in Pasadena (we made a pit stop cause traffic was so bad) we found the perfect place!!

The Pita Jungle!! Love their slogan.



We ordered their whole wheat pita and hummus to start with.


We were eating out all weekend which is great when your not paying for it and someone else is cooking, but that means you have to watch your portions and pay close attention to the ingredients. Luckily I stuck to mostly salads and enjoyed fresh pizza one night.

Last night I went with the smoked salmon and steamed spinach, AMAZING! Loves how fresh it tasted.


After dinner we walked around a bit and Hubby spoiled me!! I finally got a Ta-Ta tamer sports bra from Lululemon and a pair of Tom’s!!!!



And we wrapped up the night with our favorite yogurt shop called 21 Choices, cheers to a happy and healthy life!!!


What an amazing weekend!!!

Ok time for a sweaty 20 minute workout that will kick your butt!!!! I did this circuit yesterday for 12 minutes and then followed it up with a killer Ab workout.

12 minute circuit: Do as many sets as possible!

1. 10 Pushups
2. 10 burppes
3. 10 squat jumps
Repeat for 12 minutes

1 minute rest then…

AB workout:
1 minute toe touches
1 minute Russian twists
1 minute bicycle crunches
1 minute lower leg lifts
1 minute plank


P.S. I finally got my bike out of hibernation!!!!



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