The past 70+ hours have been a bit of a whirl wind! I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas with all of your friends and families.
Hubby and I couldn’t have been more spoiled with love from all of the people we adore!
Our Christmas started at the FIL’s Farm. Gotta love the country 🙂
Lots of Scrabble Flash was played by all.
If you haven’t bought this game, get out and GET IT!!!
Then it was our first go-around with opening gifts 🙂
I loved watching my nephews excitement about all of their toys!
My sweet SIL.
While we sat around opening presents I couldn’t help, but eat several of these amazing Snicker peanut butter cookies!!! I have to make these next year!
After celebrating with the FIL we headed back to Memphis, where a lot of rough housing took place. I think we need to have boys?!
The MIL made pot roast for dinner 🙂
Southern comfort on a plate.
Christmas Eve Morning I met up with another college friend Stephanie at Starbucks. I enjoyed my last Peppermint Mocha for the season 🙁
It was so great to catch up on life with one of the sweetest people I know!
Then Hubby and I hit up our last Memphis favorite restaurant for our Christmas Eve lunch, the American Cafe 🙂
I ordered the Goat Cheese and Spinach Pizza (the most greens I had all week) .
Hubs went with the Chicken Pot Pasta 🙂
Later on that evening we celebrated Christmas Eve with the in-laws. A fancy dinner!
We picked up some red wine at a local shop in Memphis, Jam Jar. I enjoyed a glass with dinner, it tasted like GRAPE JUICE! I am not a huge sweet wine fan, but it actually was really good.
I loved the napkin holders, Hubs made them when he was a kid 🙂
All the wonderful traditional dishes.
My plate 🙂
I have the sweetest SIL and Hubby in the WHOLE WORLD!!!! Everyone knew that this was my first Christmas Eve away from my California family and because I was going to miss the Tamales. So they searched high and low and surprised me with tamales at dinner! I almost cried right there. How blessed am I?!
Gotta love the nephews 😉
After dinner we all got in our comfy Christmas jammies and stayed up late chatting. Hubby wanted me to give him a foot massage. I don’t do feet! I tried 😉
Such cuties 🙂
Alright Santa we are ready!
Christmas morning to come soon….
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