Back in the Day

This was my playground! Do you remember couples skate? 😉


Today I took my nieces skating for their very first time. Love being an Aunt!


Let’s just say I had quite the workout, lifting children is a tough job. They did great, no major falls! I should have just skipped KB today!


They sure loved all the snack bar food 🙂



We all split nachos. Not the healthiest of treats, but I like to spoil them.


I think they liked the arcade games the best just like their Uncle Matt!

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They really got into it!


We just HAD to get some photo booth pictures. I remember the days when these were long strips, now you can do all kinds of fun things with the pictures.

After our two hours of fun at the skating rink we headed over to my Dad’s house for my Grandpa’s/ Cousin’s /My Birthday BBQ. Our Birthdays are all on the same day (4:20).


I am trying to stay away from red meat so I made a veggie sandwich and loaded up on sides.


The picture below has a great story. In this picture we have Bob Sr, Bob Jr, Bobbi(me), and my youngest brother Bobby (Robert Aaron). Guess my Grandpa has passed on his legacy 🙂


Love family 🙂


Cake time! My cousins Celina and Miguel made our birthday cakes from scratch!

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As you can see my Grandpa is a big DODGER fan!


The Birthday Peeps


Another pro cake cutter, my Dad!


I shared a small piece of cake with my little bro, it was my cake so I just had to 🙂 For not being a big lover of cake, this cake was really good. It was super moist and I could really taste the vanilla. GOOD JOB COUSINS!


Present time :)  I can tell my family all know me so well! I got a cute serving caddy, perfect for entertaining along with a lot of fun magnets and some pjs….


Two very cute dresses that I can’t wait to try on!

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I also got a bunch of cute coffee stuff from my Aunt. I love this mug, Hubby and I say this to each other all the time!!


Such a fun + exhausting day!!! My Dad lives about an hour away so we didn’t get home until almost 8pm. I ate two pieces of leftover pizza and had my little racing ritual. I laid out all my gear + after racing gear out.



Something new to the gear a Spibelt.They sent me one of their running belts to try out.


I am a little nervous to try this out for the first time on a race, but what the heck!


I love that it holds my phone! I will be sure to give a full review after the race and who knows there might even be a give away 😉


The race starts at 7:15 am which is not too early, but I am still going to try and get to bed NOW!

Full race report in the morning!!!



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