First Day of Peace

This week is PEACE WEEK here at NHerShoes, time for serenity!

“Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.”- Democritus

Happy Monday :)!

This morning I decided to make a wonderful bowl of oats, OH how I have missed me some old fashion oatmeal.

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I threw in some blueberries, nanner, Zoe’s Granola, and a spoonful of PB. It all tasted heavenly!

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Thank you friends for all the advice about becoming a Vegan, I am going to check out some books from the library and read into it more.

Time to find a little quiet time before I head out to work!

Hubby’s Random Fact: The eight most popular foods to cause food allergies are: milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.


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