To Be or Not to Be Vegan?

Today was a very Successful Sunday. Hubby and I went grocery shopping, took a two hour nap( second one this weekend), organized all my cross country workouts, taught kickboxing, and met up with a local Blogger!

Instead of eating out for lunch, which was very tempting I made lunch at home. Much cheaper and healthier. I made a Cranberry/Strawberry Almond Salad….

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and a Morning Star Mushrooms Burger on an Arnold’s Thin.

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A very satisfying lunch, much better then Subway!

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After I taught Kickboxing tonight I met up with a Angelina from Angie Eats Peace at a new restaurant in town called Eureka! Burger.

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I love it when we get NON CHAIN Restaurants that open up in town, the food is always sooo much better. I first ordered myself a Local Brewed Beer called Hanger 24 Orange Wheat, a true summer delight!

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Angie and I could have talked for hours, I love meeting Blogger friends! She told me all about how she became vegan, and really got me interested. I think it wouldn’t be extremely hard for me, but I would first have to go vegetarian. I don’t know if I am ready, but I am pretty darn close.

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I ordered their California Chicken Sandwich, but for some reason I wasn’t feeling the chicken and ended up eating 1/4 of it and all the AVACADO! I also had a side of sweet potato fries, they had honey on them.. nam nam!

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Hubby tagged along too, and he ordered the Eureka Burger, a little on the small side, but man they sure do pile on the FRIES!

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I can’t wait to hang out with Angie more, I am so glad that I found another running buddy :).

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Time to rest up a bit before I start a new week! I am going to try putting into practice what I learned this morning.

Check out this POP quiz!

#1. Who is your provider?
#2. Do you have a life of excess?
#3. Do you have a day of rest?

My mini goal for this week is to seek a lot of peace and serenity.
What’s your mini goal for the week?

Nite Nite Friends!


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