I made it to FRIDAY, wasn’t sure this day would ever come! I can’t believe the crazy week I have had, and it’s not completely over.

  • Monday-AD Meeting for Fall Sports Awards
  • Tuesday-Winter Sports Meeting+ Truth Project 
  • Wednesday Teach Kickboxing+ Have Coffee with a friend
  • Thursday- Thursday Night Group (spontaneous date) 
  • Friday-Decorate for Christmas
  • Saturday- 13 mile run + Wedding!
  • Sunday- 10k race+ Leave for Work Retreat in Santa Barbara

When the alarm went off this morning I made a quick decision to stay in bed. I had a little sore throat, which for me is always a sign that I need rest! I have a 13 mile run tomorrow as well as a 10k on Sunday, I can not get sick.

For breakfast I went through the fridge and got creative. I took two Arnold thins and made Apple Cran French Toast!

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So simple. I just dipped the thins in one egg + one egg white+ a little soy. Cooked them on the stove and then topped them with Pumpkin Butter+Nuke Cinnamon Apples+Fresh Cranberry Sauce.

I also had some Emergen-C!

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    Tonight I am super excited because Hubby and I are decorating for Christmas. Why so early? Well, because we are going to be out of town until December 2nd and when we get home I wanted everything to be out and ready. When we decorate, Hubby and I play Christmas music drink hot coco and just take in all the JOY and Spirit of the Holiday!

    Question: When do you start decorating for Christmas???

    P.S. The Spa Package Winner Will be Announced at Lunch, last chance to enter!

    P.S.S. Check out my latest post at Breathe; Healthy Holidays.


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