So this weekend was quite the calorie burner, started with a run and ended with softball, in between a lot of love!

Today Hubby and I thought it would be a great idea to go up to Oak Glen, along with everyone else and their mothers! It’s our first real fall weekend and everyone wanted to go up to the mountains for some homemade apple pie and some hot apple cider. It was a packed house and a little over crowded but that didn’t stop us! We first got some hot apple cider to start the afternoon off right and then headed over to Apple Annie’s restaurant for a late lunch. We were meeting our friends, Melissa and Brandon there but with the craziness we weren’t sure if we would find them.

An hour later Hubby had located them while I waited in the never ending line. We waited in line for over an hour and we were all famished! It was 3 O’clock and we hadn’t eaten lunch (good thing I had a big snack before we left). We finally got in and had a fun time, until we realized we had been waiting over an hour for our food! It was four and we were all getting a little delirious, I think our sugar level had bottomed. When the food finally did arrive my dish was the only good one. I ordered a chicken breast sandwich with a salad. The sandwich had a chicken breast, avocado,sprouts, and tomato. I didn’t touch the salad I was full by the time I finished my sandwich! I knew we were having dinner at my Moms at 6:30 and now eating this late I wasn’t sure I would be hungry at all.

My one hour wait SANDWICH!

The Bowie’s

Hubby and I

We played softball, and won! I am starting to like this sport, just a little…. lol. We then went to dinner at my Mamma’s and it was some fabulous chicken and and rice, but I was still too full to enjoy I just nibbled a little and had some red wine.

Weekend was a success, now it’s time to sleep and get ready for the week:) I have teacher in service tomorrow, so lots of meetings and planning but no kids.

O’ by the way GO DODGERS!


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