I need to appreciate little adorable moments like this more…
I need to start running on Friday morning…I miss my running group!
I need to finish my book!
I need to stop worrying about the future and enjoy today!
I need to start my guitar lessons.
I need to figure out how to respond to your comments in the comment section!
I need to get rid of all the SPAM on my blog.
I need to play in the rain today.
I need to take a long bath.
I need to eat more FRO YO!
I need to use my massage certificate I got for Christmas.
I need to get my hair trimmed.
I need to stop being so OCD about how clean the house is.
I need Yoga back in my life.
I need to dance.
I need to hang out with my Grandparents more.
I need to fall back in love with life.
I need to hit up some karaoke.
I need to to play scrabble soon.
I need to order my personal training material.
I need to go visit Melissa.
I need to write more hand written letters.
I need to see D and Baby Evey.
But today I need to just breathe……..
Question: What do you need?
Today’s Love Dare
"Determine to guard your mate’s secrets (unless they are dangerous to them or to you) and to pray for them. Talk with your spouse, and resolve to demonstrate love in spite of these issues. Really listen to them when they share personal thoughts and struggles with you. Make them feel safe."