KettleBells Phase 1 Recap

I can’t believe I have been doing Kettlebells for over a month! Phase 1 is over and were on to Phase 2. Basically each phase has about 6 different type of workouts and you do 3 each day. You rotate between sets, like other weight training days. One day you work your lats, biceps, and a squat. The next day you work your forearms, abs, and triceps. For Phase 2 it is all about the REPS!!! We are increasing the amount of reps we do for each exercise. It’s pretty intense. Today is my second day in Phase 2 and I am excited to see how different it feels.

Have I noticed a change? I feel like my arms are a lot more toned, but nothing else. I almost feel like my hips are getting bigger, but I think that is all in my head. I haven’t gotten measured yet, so those results are coming soon. As far as eating. I have stuck to eating 90% healthy and 10% not so healthy, but I have tried to increase my protein. I am eating a lot more cottage cheese, eggs, and Fage. I am really liking the workouts, let’s see how Phase 2 goes!



It’s gloomy today! No more sunshine 🙁 As you can see I had to even find some light for my photos. Natural light is so much better!

I made one big mug full of banana whipped oats with blueberries, 4 oz of cottage cheese, and LOVE CRUNCH!!! With a spoonful of PB.


Off to start my week off at work. Happy Monday Wednesday!

Today’s Love Dare

"Begin Praying for your spouse’s heart. Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse’s life and in your marriage."

Random Question: What are you eating for breakfast these days?


One response to “KettleBells Phase 1 Recap”

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