Marathon Packing List

I got a good 8 hours of much needed sleep last night! I have quite the busy day and do not want another day of tiredness.

To jump start my day I had a Green Monster and 1 Oatmeal Banana Pancake leftover from last night.



Plus a cup of DD!


Not the most exciting of breakfast but I am hoping it will hold me over for the next 4 hours!

Today I have work until 5:30pm then kick boxing, then Thursday night group at 7pm and when I get home I am going to pack for my 3 day trip to San Diego! I am so excited because I just found out that one of my BFF’s D, is going to come down on Saturday and hang out with us and then take me to the race on Sunday!!! I was stressing a little about the traffic in SD and didn’t want to have to find parking, what an amazing friend!!!

I sent this list to Meghann, and I thought I would share it with all of you since I know it helped me in the process of packing for Boston.

Marathon Packing List

Essential Gear – "Carry On" Luggage Items

  • Running Shoes
  • Socks
  • Road ID
  • IPod
  • Garmin
  • Sports Bra
  • Sunglasses
  • Clothes your wearing for the race, just in case your luggage doesn’t make it
  • water bottle
  • camera

Other Possible Clothing Items

  • Singlet
  • Shorts/Skirt
  • Warm-Ups (Jacket and Long Pants)
  • Sports Bra
  • Gloves
  • Hat
  • T-Shirt (Long and Short Sleeve)
  • Sweat Shirt

Possible* Food Items

  • Power Bars
  • Gel Energy Supplements
  • Snack/Pre-Race Items (e.g., Bagels, Muffins, Fruit, etc.)
  • Sports Drinks
  • Bottled Water (especially for the airplane)

Your Bag after the Race( VERY IMPORTANT!)

  • warm ups
  • water
  • Recoverite( you need to get this!)
  • Protein Bars
  • wipes to wipe off your face!!
  • hat
  • flip flops
  • phone

Did I forget anything?? What is something you must take when going away for a marathon?

See you all tonight! Have a Thoughtful Thursday!


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