My Own Personal Gym

Last night’s sushi dinner was perfect before my kickboxing class. I was a little worried I would get to full,because normally I just eat a light snack before I teach.


I had one small veggie roll, and had a few bites from other rolls that the group had too 🙂 I had one of my boot camp girls come to my class last night, she said she hated me and loved me all at the same time 😉

This morning I was pretty darn proud of myself as soon as the alarm went off I hopped out of bed, got dressed and went straight to the gym for some Jillian, “Making the Cut”, TORTURE workout!!! I love getting to the gym at 5:30am because it is empty!


This is the back weight room that nobody uses, I felt like I was in my own little personal home gym! Jillian’s circuits whipped me this morning. She had me doing 100 lunges,crab walks,mountain climbers,hammer curls, and much more. I haven’t done the 15 minutes of straight cardio that you are supposed to do after the workouts because I always run out of time! Here circuits usually take about 45 minutes+.

Following her plan makes me feel like I have my own personal trainer minus the bills that I would be spending!


One sweaty beast here! You can actually see my car parked out front!


I made a GM this morning with some vanilla yogurt, I normally don’t add in yogurt. I also added in some kale,nanner,almond milk,blueberries,whey protein,flax seed, and PB!


I shall not add in yogurt again, it was too runny! I still drank it of course.


Look what came in the mail!!! I can’t wait to open it 🙂


On my agenda today:

  • work
  • Clean house
  • stock up fridge for house sitter
  • bake PB bars for camping trip!
  • PACK!
  • Service Project (cleaning for a lady in need) with Thursday night group

Hubby’s Random fact for the day: You’re born with 300 bones, but when you get to be an adult, you only have 206.

Have a Terrific Thursday, see you soon!


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