Hey friends!

Happy Hump DAY!

Can you believe the week is half way over?


This morning I decided to do a practice swim test. I am not the best swimmer on the block, but I did play water polo in high school so I do know a thing or two. My co-worker Amy swam in high school so she gave me so really great pointers. I love that she is so willing to help! Best part is the pool is outside and it’s at my work!!!


So what did I do?

Warm Up Set

4 x 100′s …easy pace.

Main Set

3x 100  w/ 30 sec rests

2 x 200 w/ 30 sec rests

1 x 400

Cool Down

250 easy


I didn’t time myself (wish I would have), but this workout took me about 40 minutes. I haven’t officially started my HIM training (July 11 is my first day)  I am just getting used to the strokes first then I will do a full workout timed and all.

I need some great pool workouts? Anyone know of any out there?



I am pretty sure this is the best summer salad I have ever made. I topped a huge plate of greens with a can of fresh salmon, a small sliced peach, 2 kiwis, some cherry tomatoes, a little gorgonzola cheese, and balsamic vinegar. Kind of reminded me of the pizza I had a couple weeks ago!


When I got home from work today, Hubby and I visited the garden and we found new life 🙂


Butternut squash, kohlrabi, and a cucumber!!! Plus a lot more cilantro!


I can not wait to see some tomatoes pop up!


Now it’s time to head down the hill to teach KB!

I am teaching three times this week. Gotta love when instructors take vacation 😉


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