On the Menu for Tonight "Beef Daube Provençal"

I need to figure out how to have dinner parties for a living πŸ˜‰

Last night we had family over to dine with us. Of course I had to bring out the fancy dinnerware πŸ™‚ Ok it’s not that fancy, but I love it!  I got all my white dishes at World Market for under $30, but I would love to own these one day.


I also got this table cloth years ago at Ross for $4 and finally brought it out.


A basket full of oranges is such a simple and beautiful centerpiece.

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For  more pop of color, I put out a pitcher full of water and sliced oranges.


Instead of SLAVING all day in the kitchen, I prepped dinner the night before and let the Crock Pot do all the work, (while I was at work πŸ˜‰ ). I made Beef Daube Provençal from Cooking Light .

"This classic French braised beef, red wine, and vegetable stew is simple and delicious. It stands above all of our other beef recipes because it offers the homey comfort and convenience of pot roast yet is versatile and sophisticated enough for entertaining. Garnish with chopped fresh thyme." –Recipe by Lia Hube


Grass fed Chuck πŸ™‚


Smells gooooood!


A clean simple salad.


Gotta love gifts from friends in Africa πŸ™‚


The meat was super tender the red wine made all the flavors pop! This could be a staple for more dinner parties to come.


We also enjoyed some fresh Parm. 



On top of a bed of whole wheat penne.


My salad.


The familia!


Such a fun night. My cousins just got back from a Disney Cruise and had so many wonderful photos to share with us. Now I want to go on VACATION!

I slept in this morning (first day off in 7 days) and I have one heck of a to-do list. I am really hoping to squeeze in a 9 mile run and some kettle bells tonight πŸ™‚

But first I am enjoying my GM and FPIMG_7344














Question: What is your go-to meal when it comes to having dinner parties??


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