Snow=Fun/ No Power=No Fun!

Well Happy Friday To All!!!

I am currently in my robe in my bed typing this post up from my iPhone because we have no power!!!

Let me rewind. Was awake at 6:30 this morning ready to head to the gym when my friend Veronica called me and told me to look outside..

Wow!! Can’t believe it’s snowing at my house 🙂 Needless to say we didn’t make it to the gym and instead I did some Yoga by the fire. It was so relaxing.

When Hubby got back from basketball at the gym we decided to push through it all and go shopping for some snow shoes. First I needed breakfast so we made a quick stop at Subway for one of their egg sammies.

It was ok, not as good as mine and it was only 200 calories!!
We did manage to find some snow boots at the last store we tried of course. Not the most stylish boots, but they will do.

Ok got to figure out what to do with this wet hair and my job situation, 4 feet of snow on the mountain!!!

Oh and by the way Bosco loves the snow!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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