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I still can’t believe how much snow came down yesterday 🙂 Sadly we had to cancel all of our camps at work for the weekend, so we got to work all together at my co-workers house. We did play a little in the snow first :).

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When we went inside we were treated with some Gourmet Hot Chocolate and now I have found a new LOVE! This Keurig machine is incredible. It is so easy to use and their is NO clean up. I gotta get one.

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I was ONE HAPPY little lady.

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Check out my entire backyard!!!




Yesterday I had to use my iPhone to post, so I didn’t get to show you my Yoga set up in front of the fireplace. I think that being warm and comfy while doing Yoga is by far the best way for me to experience true peace and serenity while in my practice.


After our day of making phone calls, Hubby and I got invited over to another co-worker/friends house for a delicious dinner!


We had salad…


Mashed potatoes….


Balsamic Vinaigrette Pork (I had chicken see it to the right)


Sautéed Veggies…


I enjoyed a Blue Moon while dinner was being cooked.


TA DA, my beautiful plate! 


Evan showed us his mad juggling skills while we were at the table, I was intrigued and then began to give it a try for about 30 minutes! I SO WANT TO LEARN TO JUGGLE!


After dinner we played Chirades with the kiddo’s, super fun!


Then on to dessert! I couldn’t stop eating these Chocolate Chip Hazelnut cookies Heather brought over. They had the best of both worlds!


Jess made us Bananas Foster, which was to DIE for! Man I couldn’t imagine a better dessert. I think this would also be great made with other fruits.


Then Carly brought out the snake and I RAN! Snakes are the only thing that I am afraid of, I don’t mind spiders, mice, the boogie man, but I hate SNAKES!!!!

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Such a fun and relaxing evening. We ended up calling it a night around 10:30pm and I slept in until 7:30am! I love getting my rest in on the weekends 🙂

This morning I am headed off to Kickboxing to burn off all those yummy calories that I enjoyed last night. For a mini breakfast I had a 1/2 banana nut muffin+AB and a 1/2 banana, with coffee!


I am off folks! Have a beautiful SATURDAY 🙂


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