Soup, Salad, and Crackers Oh My!

Is it Wednesday already?? Is it just me or is this week really flying by?


Today’s lunch is the same as yesterday and still yummy as ever. I am loving that I pre-packed my salads on Sunday so I can just grab it on the way out the door.

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Airplane view

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Butternut Squash Soup + a Green Salad with Garbanzo Beans, Carrots, tomato and Avocado.

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This has to be my favorite new addition to lunch! Goat Cheese + Lavish Crackers 🙂

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Easter treat 🙂

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I have my memory verse taped to my desk. I would have it written on my hand all week if I could. I have the worst MEMORY!!!

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So glad you all like my workout tip this morning. Come back tonight to see the video!

Time to work on Ragnar Relay stuff, can’t believe the race is in less then a month!!!

Question: Would you consider your memory good or bad?