Sunday Prep Day

Sunday’s are my prep days. I like to sit down and plan out everything for the week: workouts, meals, social events, and more. I know that things can and will come up, but I still like to be prepared. To me the key in helping ME live a healthy lifestyle is planning! Do you prep?

I did a major shopping trip today and spent $70.15

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This weeks meals:


Green Monsters
Egg Sammies

Veggie Sandwiches
Hummus, Crackers, Watermelon
Sweet Potatoes with black beans


Monday – Protein shake, or bowl of cereal( I teach AKB Late so small meals are better).

Tuesday – Angels Baseball Game( I am going to pack a lunch or take in Subway).

Wednesday – Date Night Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken

ThursdayChicken & Feta Tabbouleh for me, Walking Taco’s for him.

Friday – Picnic at the bowl, pita chips, hummus, watermelon, veggies leftover Chicken & Feta Tabbouleh, and wine 🙂

Saturday – Trip to the beach!!!

Sunday – Pulled Chicken Sandwiches 


Monday-Teach Kickboxing
Tuesday- 3mile run + Circuit Training
Wednesday– 4 mile run
Thursday– 5 mile run+ Circuit Training
Friday– Boot camp
Saturday– 10+ mile run

I am really trying to stick to “Making the Cut” with Jillian, I wish I could do exactly what she wants me to do, but time and running does not allow me to do so, but I am trying. I also am going to cut back on the sweets this week, somehow they have been creeping a lot more then normal!!!

I will announce the winner of my Anniversary Giveaway first thing in the morning!!

Hope you all had a wonderful and refreshing weekend, tomorrow we start a new beginning to a wonderful week!


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