Monday Motivation: Start the week with the END in mind!!!
Instead of getting overwhelmed or groggy, because it’s Monday think about the weekend and all the things that you will accomplish. For me this week I am thinking about really hitting my P90X plan hard, keeping my eats clean and then enjoying that glass of wine on Friday night 😉
Workouts this Week: Week 6 of P90X
Monday: AKB + Yoga
Tuesday: Bike Ride + Core Synergistics
Wednesday: 5 mile trail run + Chest/Shoulders + AB Ripper
Thursday: Legs/Back and KB
Friday:6 mile run + AB Ripper
Saturday: Bike Ride? KB?
Sunday: 12-13 mile run
It’s about time I busted out the juicer! This morning I threw in some carrots, celery, an apple, and a lime.
I also brought out my three favorite cereals.
In the Mocha Bowl
- 1/2 cup Go Lean Crisp
- 1/2 cup Puffins
- 1/2 cup PB Panda Puffs
- 1 cup Almond Milk
- 1/2 banana and strawberries
Love all the color!
Dinner Plan: The summer has lead to little time cooking in the kitchen. As the weather gets warmer I really don’t feeling like cooking. I think it’s because it causes the kitchen to get hot and that is the last thing I want to do. So we have been eating out a lot more then we would really like to. I want to nip that in the bud right now! The plan for this week is to enjoy more meals at home that require less cooking in the kitchen, time to fire up that grill. Now I just need to figure out what that will be 🙂
Question: Do you tend to cook less in the kitchen during the summer???