The Perfect P-Air

Happy Friday 🙂

When I got off work last night I headed straight home to meet up with my running friend Jacky. In the plan was a 7 mile tempo run.


We ended up talking a lot which was great, because Jacky and I have a lot in common and it made the time go by very quickly! We averaged our 5 miles around 8:35 and our total run averaged at 9:05. I was happy with that. This was the longest I have run since December 6th and it felt good to be back in the game!!!

It was funny that we both wore the same hat from a race we both did before we knew each other. I so look forward to more runs with Jacky! Oh and by the way it was her BIRTHDAY and she chose to run with me, thanks Jacky!


After our run Hubby and I quickly ran out for a little date night to our favorite Thai Restaurant in Calimesa, Thai Chili.

Like always we split a bowl of the Tom Kah Kai Soup.


I ordered the Yellow Curry with Brown Rice.


I FORGOT to ask for NO SPICEY!!!!! It was so HOT. I was sad, because I only ate about 1/4 of it before I couldn’t handle the heat. Such a bummer!


I ate a little of Hubby’s Orange Chicken to tame my tongue!


Then I ordered some Coconut Ice Cream and life was good again! This ice cream is homemade and absolutely sinful. You can taste the chunks of real coconut right inside it. I liked the bowl clean.


When Hubby and I got home at 8:30pm we both crashed in bed. It was great because I woke up at 5:30am completely refreshed!


I threw all of this in my juicer.


And came out with this.


My serving of veggies for the morning.


I also made a classic bowl of Banana Whipped Oats.


With an added warm pear, cinnamon, some granola…


Plus Greek Yogurt and Sliced Almonds.


With a spoonful of Maranatha AB.


The perfect P-AIR 😉


It’s my first Friday night off in almost a month!!!! I am excited, because my friend Amy and I are going to try out this fun class at the gym called “So you think you can dance?”. After the class I am coming home and making some His and Her Pizza’s and relaxing!!!!!

Have a GRRRRR-ATE-DAY day friends 🙂

Question: Have you ever taken a dance class at the gym???