Wednesday is just about over, now time to share about some good stuff that happened today. Well first off here is my bowl of cereal from this morning, I was too lazy to post the picture earlier.
and the first page, funny how most of the things in this book still bring a smile on my face. I am so glad I found this book, I am excited to add to it. Do any of you have a book like this? It’s great to have around when you are feeling sad, and need a pick me up.
I also found a copy of C.S Lewis’s “The Problem of Pain“, I am going to read it again. So appropriate for my life right now.
I made a Piccadilly dish tonight;) For those of you who live in the SOUTH you might know what I am talking about. Piccadilly is one of the hubby’s favorite restaurants in Memphis, NOT MINE! It’s this buffet place where you basically can get all sides…lol…well that’s kinda what dinner looked like tonight. Trying not ti spend money I busted out all the leftovers from the week. Pumpkin Sweet Potato Pie (I added some English Peas and a dab of sour cream), Cranberry Stuffing, and I needed some protein so I finished off the tofu. I think I could be a vegetarian, I LOVE TOFU, and it’s so easy to cook!! I don’t know what it is about the texture but I like it way better then chicken, in comes close to fish….close….

Bosco LOVES Tofu TOO!!!
I also had two very ripe banana’s in the house so I whipped up some whole wheat banana muffins…the whole house smells yummy:) I am also sipping on some hot apple cider while I type, another favorite holiday treat.


When I went to open the fridge this morning I noticed Santa had come early!!!! I know this stuff is loaded with calories and other junk but it is my ONE vice, so once a year I indulge a little. I make sure to measure out a serving otherwise I would be in taking like 5,000 calories!!! lol…none the less I love me some Peppermint Mocha! I think that Peppermint and Chocolate are one of the greatest marriages around. I love Andes Brownies, Mint and Chip Ice cream, Peppermint Patties, and the list goes on? What are your favorite holiday mixes or vices?

This morning while I was stretching I was looking at our book shelf and found two very important things. A book that I started in 2003 called “ Things That Bring Me Joy“, wow I couldn’t;t have found it at a better time… here is the first page

I also had two very ripe banana’s in the house so I whipped up some whole wheat banana muffins…the whole house smells yummy:) I am also sipping on some hot apple cider while I type, another favorite holiday treat.

I am supposed to get up and have spin class with the spin Nazi tomorrow, but hubby says my legs need to rest. I think I ll be OK, we shall see when the alarm goes off at 4am. I am trying to do weights at the gym on Tuesday and Thursday sense I am already there, but I need a good routine. I should just print one out…any suggestions?
The Yoga Studio I attend, is giving back to the community. If you bring in some Ramen Noodles, Mac and Cheese, or donate cloths they will give you a free session. They are donating all of these items to the local mission. I love how the Holidays allow people to think of others in need, we should be doing that at all times, but I ll take what I can get.
Just want to let everyone know that it’s not too late to join the PILE ON THE MILES CHALLENGE, just track back to November 8th until the 30th.
Goodnight everyone, off to read and relax.
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