TMT + New Workout Schedule

Oh Tuesdays they are my Mondays and today’s was a pretty good one. Got in my second Insanity workout, loved it. I love interval training so I knew I would dig it, Shawn T is a beast! I feel like I am an athlete in training!

I thought I would share what my new workout routine will be now that I started doing Insanity. I finished Phase 2 of the LiveFit Trainer. I did love building muscle and learned so much about weight training, but let’s face it friends, I am a CARDIO junkie. I have decided to still incorporate  3-4 days of Jamie’s 30 day butt kicking workout I found in the Fitness RX magazine because I don’t want to lose the muscle I gained Smile

Here is what my new workout schedule will look like for the next 60 days:

Monday: Lower body weight workout + Insanity
Tuesday: Upper body weight workout + Insanity
Wednesday: Kickboxing
Thursday: Full body weight workout + Insanity
Friday: 6 mile run + Upper body weight workout
Saturday: Recovery
Sunday: Long Run

I am excited to add some fun new cardio, but still stick to doing some weights training as well.

OK friends time for YOUR kick butt 20 minute Tuesday workout!

All you need is a chair and a set of dumbbells…

20 pushups
30 seconds of Mountain Climbers
20 squats
30 seconds high knees
15 shoulder presses
30 seconds Mountain Climbers
20 triceps dips
30 seconds squat jumps
one minute walking lunges with a bicep curl (or just curls if your legs are tired)
30 seconds 3 Level Mountain Climber

Repeat 3X’s!

Happy TMT!


What are your thoughts on the Insanity workouts?
Have you heard of it?