I am super excited about embarking on this journey of becoming  Personal Fintess Trainer ! I am not planning on quitting my real job anytime soon, but excited to feel a little more “legit” in the area of health and fitness. I have had so much support by family andfriends to GO FOR IT and I am finally jumping in, no matter where it might take me.
So why did I go with NESTA (The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association) to obtain my Personal Fitness Trainer Certification, well after much research I decided that their program was perfect for my lifestyle.
NESTA not only helps you with the fitness education side, but the , business solutions as well. Eventually I would love to be able to make a profit in the indsutry, which means I need to learn about sales, refferals, and marketing. It also is recognized by a ton of local and national gyms.
As soon as you sign up for your certificate program, you have IMMEDIATE access to all of the rescources you will need to complete the program. Their dashboard is super user friendly. There are 14 chapters to cover before you can take the written exam:
- Chapter 1 – Introduction to Personal Training
- Chapter 2 – Exercise Physiology
- Chapter 3 – Kinesiology and Functional Anatomy
- Chapter 4 – Applied Biomechanics
- Chapter 5 – Flexibility
- Chapter 6 – Nutrition
- Chapter 7 – Special Populations
- Chapter 8 – Assessments
- Chapter 9 – Program Design
- Chapter 10 – Exercise Application
- Chapter 11 – Safety, Injury Prevention and Treatment
- Chapters 12-14 – Business Strategies and Applications for the Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Each chapter comes with a video lecutre (I am a visual learner) and review questions so you can retain the information that you study for each chapter in the digital manuel. I love that I CAN SEE IT ALL!!!
It’s also local to Southern Califonia (a huge reason I chose it) , so I can go to workshops in my area! Also with the busy schedule that I have, going at my own pace is just what I need!!
I have also had several friends go through this training and have loved it! First hand testimonials are the best kind out there.
I already teach several classes at my Kickboxing studio and LOVE it. The main purpose for this certification is not really to teach more classes, but to be able to work with people one one on one (or groups) to help them be fit for life!
I belive that having one certification over another does not determine what kind of trainer you are. It’s all about the personal care and dedication to health and fitness!
Thank you all  for all your love and support as well!!  You all are the reason that I belive I can motivate others to have a balanced and healthly lifestyle no matter WHO YOU ARE! e
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