Last night I hit up the track for a quick 7 mile run. It was actually by far the best track workout I have ever had. I think it was because I did longer intervals, I am a long distance track kinda gal 😉

Don’t you love my new tattoo (kidding Dad) ?




15 minute warm up
1 mile @ 6:36
2 miles @ 13:58
2×800’s (laps around the track) @3:23
Between each of these I did a lap of rest.
10 minute cool down

This was me trying to blow out the exhaustion 🙂

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Look who got a hair cut? When I got home from our Women’s Study last night I was pleasantly greeted by this handsome face!


I love you Boscers 🙂 Promise he wasn’t in pain!



I made Muesli, “over night oats”  last night 🙂 Love this stuff!


Night before:

1/3 cup oats

1/3 cup almond milk

1/2 cup FAGE

1 cup frozen fruit

Sprinkle of cinnamon


Added In The Morning:

1 tbsp ground flax

Drizzle maple syrup ( I am out of Honey 🙁 )

Sliced Almonds

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Time to get to work!

Question for the day: Would you rather live in Hawaii or Alaska??

I am asking this question because I am having beach withdrawals!!! I so want sunshine, a bathing suit, magazine, towel, and me at the beach NOW! I am a beach girl 100%!

Man I miss that tan 😉

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