I can’t believe how hard it is to count all my calories through out the day, but it is kind of of nice to see if my servings are proportioned. I loved reading about your thoughts on counting calories. For some of you it is a helpful way to stay healthy and for other it is a detriment to your health. I think that knowing portion sizes is the key and watching the amount of everything I ate is what helped me the best, when I was trying to lose weight.


Yogurt+Coffee (with 1tbsp creamer)

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My Yogurt contained, a little vanilla yogurt and Greek yogurt and topped with
pineapple and almond vanilla yogurt = 144 calories

blog 364


Because we are going out of town on Friday I am trying to empty out our fridge.
So today’s lunch was a bunch of leftovers thrown in a bowl.

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In the bowl

This was a WINNER!!!! I am so making this again 🙂

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With a side of carrots and tzatziki

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Total Calories for Lunch+Snack= 590

Today I realized that my hair has gotten SO LONG! I am trying to grow it down
my bottom and it feels like it is taking forever. Guess I am not too far from where
I want it to be 🙂

blog 371

Question: Are you a fan of short hair or long hair??

I really like the cute short hair that some people can pull off, but my hair will just be
one big poof ball if I had it short!!!


31 responses to “Counting Away”