I have a confession, I haven’t eaten a real hot dog in almost 3 years! I tend to just stay away from pork all together, but I decided it was time to bring the DOG back 🙂

Not just any dog, an Aidells Chicken and Apple Smoked Dog. These go great in pasta too!


ooo la la


I made two simple sides, Brussels sprouts, squash, and russet potato fries!


Honey Wheat Bun’s



Don’t you just want to reach out and take a bight?! 


A couple home-made fries.


Fresh Veggies!


The star of the meal 😉


Another colorful and healthy twist on what could have been a not so healthy meal 🙂


I have another confession…I am addicted to the Food Network! I may or may not have said to Hubby tonight, “I want to go to Culinary Arts School” 😉


Because this is what it looked like outside my door at work…

I didn’t get out of work until LATE!! Yep that would be a FLASH FLOOD!!! Everyone is ok :) 

I missed Yoga, but did hit up another bags class 🙂 If you have never never been to a BAGS class, you gotta! When you leave after just 30 minutes it feels like you just lifted weights for an hour!

Time to watch more Food Network and then crawl into bed with a good book. I have loved being able to crawl into bed before 9pm, a girl could get used to this 😉


One response to “Doggy Dog Day”

  1. Cristin Plumbar Avatar
    Cristin Plumbar

    and their special teams were as effective as one could ever wish for. The 49ers quarterback, Alex Smith guided San Fran efforts with 12 of 21 passing for 143 yards. He knew well that a win at the Met Life stadium in Rutherford New Jersey was a must. At 3-1 for the season, things are good for the 49ers. Now, their loss last week to the Minnesota Vikings was