Gettin’ Busy!

Last night I was set on making pancakes for breakfast. I get the pleasure of having Mondays off of work, so I decided to treat Monday like a Sunday. Which means pancakes for breakfast 🙂


I finally used some of the Pumpkin and Pecan Pancake Mix F&E sent me 🙂 I am not a huge pancake lover, but these were really simple and very tasty. On the side I enjoyed some Sliced Pineapple+Fresh Orange+Blackberries 🙂


With a little turkey sausage for protein.


I also finally tried my FP X Press Smart Cup. EVERY coffee shop should carry these!!! It was super easy and ready in minutes. Video to come soon 🙂


Happy Monday to me 🙂


I enjoyed breakfast in bed while catching up on the news. So sad about what happened in Arizona, let’s keep those families in our prayers.

I plan on staying in this shirt all day…


While I tackle this..


I am moving furniture around today, because I am bored with it! It’s what I do when I get the urge to buy more house stuff 🙂

Question: How often do you re-arrange the furniture in your house?

P.S. Look who’s still in bed! LUCKY!
