How About a Coupon?

Happy Monday 🙂

(Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I did get in a 12 mile run and worked all day, nothing much else happened. Only three more weeks of working on Sundays 🙂 )

So last night I was thinking about my life and how fun it is for sure, but I tend to always be in routine. I mean I do try and be spontaneous here and there but for the most part my weeks look pretty much the same. I guess that is part of being a grown up, boo! Well I shouldn’t say boo, because to tell you the truth I really like routines.

What about you, are you a routine kind of person?


I decided to mix up a bit and bring bag to the table OATMEAL! I haven’t had a bowl of hot oats in forever! It’s a little cooler this morning so I was in the mood.


In the Mix:

  • 1/3 c Coaches Oats
  • 1/3 c Soy Milk
  • 1/3 c water
  • 1/2 banana mashed up and put into the pot
  • 1 tbsp of Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tbsp flax seed



  • handful of fresh blueberries
  • the other half of my banana
  • 1/4 cup Mega Munch 


OOOO MY I really miss my oatmeal 🙂

Finally Updated My Workout Schedule and Memory Verse for the week———————->

Here’s a little MONDAY FUN for you…

OpenSky is offering NHS readers a great deal for the rest of the month of July!!!!

JulyFreeShip – you guessed it: free shipping on any product thru 7/31.
July20pct -  20% on any product thru 7/31.


***Just to be clear you can only use one coupon per order.

So if you have been eying that EnviTote, Table in a Bag, Sports Bra, Vita-Mix, now is the time to get it :)  I will be taking advantage of this coupon as well!!!


Time to get my butt to work!

Have a great Monday and here is my little inspiration for the morning coming from The Love Dare, “Your spouse is a living, breathing, endless book to read”. Have a great day!