Monday Motivation: Forget about the Numbers!

So I slept a few more hours this morning and when I woke I felt refreshed and alive. Hello Monday!

Greek yogurt + Kiwi + POM Seeds + Walnuts + Agave Nectar= best snack EVER!



I love being home on weekdays for lunch because I get to be creative in the kitchen. On the menu for today, Chicken Taco Salad.


I took two and a half small corn tortillas and made some home made chips in the oven. My first batch I forgot about and burnt! Second batch came out better I baked them in the broiler for 4 minutes with a little EVOO.


On top of a bed of baby spinach I added black beans, tomato, grilled chicken(Tyson frozen strips, half avocado and salsa.


So satisfying and clean!


I also had a cherry lime seltzer on the side.




Bosco enjoyed his FreshPet lunch too 🙂


Monday Motivation: Forget about the Numbers!

Too many times in my life I have worried about the number on the scale. I am so OVER it! Well let’s be real we all look at them. Recently I have had a lot of weekends that have been filled with parties, weddings, BBQ’s and other celebrations that I have caused me to feel blah about my weight (I know I am not fat). I am being real here though so please no mean comments just want to talk straight. I know that I workout a ton, but I also know that I haven’t been feeling like my normal healthy self.

So instead of looking at the numbers I have decided to FORGET the numbers and just jump right back on track. I am in need of a Motivation Make Over. I have written down 5 simple steps to get me/anyone back on track. Hope this helps someone out there who might be going through the same thing

#1. Quit the junk! Love real food, who cares if it’s a birthday party and your the only one not drinking. Back to moderation. Enjoy a mocktail.

#2. Don’t obsess over what other “people” look like! Remind yourself that you are strong, healthy and beautiful inside and out. That should be your true motivation.

#3. Enjoy a treat every now and then not after every meal (kicking the sweet tooth). If you have something sweet after every meal then your body gets trained to need more after every meal.

#4. Get out and walk. Instead of sitting behind your desk on your lunch break eat and then WALK!! When you get home take a quick walk outside before you come in, decompress. Or if you have a drive home don’t listen to the radio instead be silly and sing your favorite song out loud. Fitness in not all about the body it’s about feeding your soul too.

#5. HAVE FUN!! Working out doesn’t have to be a chore if you do it with friends or even just by getting a few new iTunes may get you motivated to get out the door!

Question: Are you in need of a Motivation Make Over??


One response to “Monday Motivation: Forget about the Numbers!”

  1. There’s definately a great deal to learn about
    this topic. I really like all of the points you have made.